Playing As Reyna In Valorant: Essential Strategies and Tips

Playing As Reyna In Valorant can be a thrilling and challenging experience.

In fact, when it comes to mastering her unique abilities and slippery playstyle, many players find themselves at a loss.

Navigating the battlefield as Reyna requires strategic finesse that separates the casual gamer from the professional player.

If you don’t understand how to effectively utilize her skills or coordinate with your team as their main Reyna player, reaching higher ranks in Valorant may seem like an insurmountable task.

Table of Contents:

Mastering Reyna’s Abilities in Valorant

Dive into the world of Valorant, where playing as Reyna offers a unique and exhilarating experience.

This Mexican powerhouse is known for her aggressive playstyle and powerful abilities that make her stand out on any professional Valorant roster.

Understanding Soul Harvest – Reyna’s Passive Ability

Soul Harvest, one of Reyna’s defining features, sets the tone for how she operates within each round.

When an enemy dies by your hand or from damage you’ve inflicted, they drop a soul orb which only you can see.

Dignitas’ main reyna player explains it best: “Soul orbs are what makes reyna strong.”

The moment an opponent falls nearby; a soul orb appears at their location.

You have 3 seconds to either consume this Orb using Devour or Dismiss before it disappears – so act fast.

Your Devour ability allows healing back up to maximum HP after winning gunfights while also providing Overheal (up to 50 extra health) if already full healthed. This makes every kill feel rewarding as long as there isn’t immediate danger following up right away since devour does not automatically cast upon killing someone but rather requires manual activation post-killing spree.

On the other side of things we have Dismiss – Reyna’s escape mechanism. After consuming a nearby soul orb with the Dismiss ability, Reyna becomes completely intangible, rendering herself immune against all forms of damage including bullets & explosions, making her practically invincible during its duration unless caught off guard without any available souls around when needed most.

The last piece in our puzzle here is Leer – an eye made entirely out of shadows capable of blinding enemies temporarily, forcing them to change direction to avoid being affected, giving the team crucial time to react accordingly and potentially securing easy kills in the process.

In true duelist fashion, however, there comes a catch with these powers – they’re tied directly to success in combat, meaning no frags equals limited usage. Hence, why mastering the art of fragging becomes an essential part for anyone wishing to master Reyna’s gameplay style and climb Valorant’s ranked ladder as efficiently as possible.

But don’t worry. With practice and patience, you too will become an unstoppable force reckoned within the server, ready to dominate the competition like never before. So grab your mouse and keyboard and let the journey begin.

Key Takeaway: Mastering Reyna’s Abilities in Valorant is crucial for dominating the game. Playing as Reyna offers a unique and exhilarating experience, with her aggressive playstyle and powerful abilities setting her apart from other characters. Her passive ability, Soul Harvest, allows you to collect soul orbs dropped by enemies you’ve killed or damaged. These orbs can be consumed using Devour to heal yourself or Dismiss to become invincible temporarily. Additionally, Leer blinds enemies and gives your team an advantage in combat. However, these abilities are tied directly to success in combat, so mastering fragging is essential for climbing the ranked ladder efficiently. With practice and patience, you can become an unstoppable force in Valorant.

Perfecting Reyna’s ‘Slippery’ Playstyle

If you’re playing as Reyna, it’s crucial to master her unique playstyle.

This Mexican duelist is all about being elusive and hard-to-catch in true duelist fashion.

Her abilities can turn the tide of a round within seconds if used strategically.

Mastering Her Abilities

The key to success when playing Reyna lies largely with how well you use her abilities. Understanding each ability makes Reyna strong.

Soul Harvest: The Passive Ability That Changes Everything

A critical part of this strategy involves Soul Orbs – glowing remnants left behind whenever an enemy dies by your hand or takes damage from you.

You’ll want to pick up these orbs quickly because they automatically cast either Devour or Dismiss depending on what situation calls for.

Making Use Of Leer And Dismiss For An Advantage

In addition, using Leer effectively can give your team the upper hand during engagements by obscuring vision temporarily until destroyed.

This allows for opportunities where enemies are forced into uncomfortable positions without proper sightlines.

If things get dicey, Reyna’s ability makes her completely intangible, allowing swift escape while also collecting any nearby soul orb.

This combination helps reset fights in favor of Reyna even after taking heavy hits, hence why she’s worth picking both professionally and in Valorant’s ranked ladder.

With practice and strategic thinking, mastering Reyna’s slippery playstyle will have opponents dreading every encounter with this fierce Duelist.

Playing Around Your Team As The Main Reyna Player

The role of the team’s Reyna player is pivotal in Valorant.

You’re not only a one-man show; you are an essential part of your squad’s plan and success.

Leveraging Teamwork During Pushes

Your position as the main Reyna can make or break a round when it comes to pushing objectives with your team.

To succeed, understanding how to use each soul orb effectively during these pushes is crucial.

Reyna’s abilities offer valuable advice.

He explains that while her abilities give her potential for individual playmaking, she shines brightest when used synergistically with her teammates.

Countering Opposing Teams’ Strategies Against Reyna

This requires a deep understanding of her abilities and the current duelist meta.

Handling Early Elimination Threats

The most common threat when playing Reyna is being targeted early by the enemy team due to your role as the main duelist.

To handle this situation effectively, remember that “knowledge is power”.

Good map awareness is key: Knowing where enemies are likely hiding or pushing can help you avoid getting caught off guard.

Use Leer strategically: If used correctly, it can obscure vision from the enemy team until they destroy it or wait for its duration end – buying time and creating confusion among them.

Leverage Dismiss wisely: Remembering her ability makes Reyna completely intangible could be lifesaving if timed right during attacks. This will allow avoiding bullets while also repositioning yourself safely away from danger zones without giving any indication about your new position unless seen moving there initially. It’s what truly makes Reynas worth picking against other duelists who lack similar escape mechanisms.

Next up comes dealing with opponents trying shooting down Leer or preventing healing for free using nearby soul orbs dropped after each kill.

  1. In true duelist fashion use Soul Orbs smartly: Whenever an enemy dies dropping a soul orb, you should automatically cast Devour (if not under immediate threat) which heals back all lost health over a short period making sure she’s properly dealt before the next engagement happens.
  2. Maintain distance but stay close enough so you have access control over souls orbs denying opponent chances of destroying them prematurely thus reducing their effective counters against Reyna.

Remember these tips whenever facing teams well prepared against Reynas, ensuring a smooth climb along the Valorant ranked ladder.

Key Takeaway: Countering Strategies Against Reyna: To counter enemy teams targeting Reyna early, utilize map awareness and Leer to confuse opponents. Use Dismiss for invulnerability and repositioning. Smartly use Soul Orbs for healing and deny opponents from destroying them prematurely.

Using Empress – The Ultimate Ability

In the world of Valorant, every character has an ultimate ability that can turn the tide in a match. For Reyna, this is called Empress.

This ability makes Reyna strong and takes her duelist nature to new heights.

Empress, when activated, increases firing speed dramatically – a boon for any player looking to take down enemies quickly.

The beauty of it all? It’s not just about increased firepower. When you play Reyna with Empress active, your abilities are automatically cast at no cost.

Soul Harvest Abilities In Action

You see, Empress makes use of Soul Orbs dropped by fallen foes in true duelist fashion. These orbs grant infinite charges while under its effect; talk about power surge. This means each time an enemy dies during your ult duration, a nearby soul orb will appear ready for collection. Here’s more on how these work together effectively.

Making The Most Of Your Ult Time

A word to wise though: timing is crucial when playing as Reyna using her ultimate ability.
Why? Because once triggered, Empress‘s effects last only 30 seconds unless extended by killing opponents within those precious moments.

If used wisely and strategically timed around team fights or critical engagements where multiple kills are possible – this could be game-changing.
Learn some strategies here.

Navigating Potential Challenges With Emperess’ Usage

All said and done remember:
While she becomes extremely powerful during her ult state if the enemy team manages to eliminate you early on before fully utilizing ‘Empress’, it might feel like wasted potential.
Hence understanding counterplay strategy against opposing teams who prioritize taking out Reyna first would prove beneficial.

FAQs in Relation to Playing as Reyna in Valorant

Is Reyna a good character in Valorant?

Yes, Reyna is an excellent duelist in Valorant. Her abilities allow her to heal, become invulnerable temporarily and blind enemies, making her formidable in one-on-one fights.

Why don’t pros use Reyna?

Some professionals may not choose Reyna due to her selfish playstyle. She excels at individual combat but lacks utility for team-oriented strategies that are often favored by pro players.

Is Reyna worth playing?

Absolutely. If you enjoy aggressive playstyles and can consistently win gunfights, then mastering Reyna’s unique skillset could make you a valuable asset on your team.

Why do so many people play Reyna?

Reyna’s abilities cater well to solo gameplay which makes her popular among players who prefer taking initiative and leading attacks during matches.


Mastering Reyna’s abilities in Valorant is no small feat.

You’ve seen the power her special talents can have on a round, and why she’s an essential part of any squad.

The importance of understanding Soul Harvest, Reyna’s passive ability has been emphasized.

We delved into the nuances of her ‘slippery’ playstyle and explored effective strategies for using Leer.

Playing around your team as their main Reyna player is crucial; teamwork during pushes and handling early elimination threats are key aspects we discussed.

Countering opposing teams’ strategies against Reyna requires quick thinking and strategic use of your own abilities.

Last but not least, harnessing the power of Empress – The Ultimate Ability – truly makes you an unstoppable duelist on the battlefield.